WARD 6 COUNCILOR: Chris Hoy CHoy@cityofsalem.net 503-339-7806 TRAFFIC ENG.:K.Hottmann Khottmann@cityofsalem.net 503-588-6211 CITIZENS' ADVISORY TRAFFIC COMMISSION: Denise VanDyke dmvdhome@yahoo.com Eileen Virden roevir@msn.com John Ledger jledger@comcast.net Lowell Wetzel lowell.wetzel@gmail.com Mi les Adams milestone42@comcast.net Stephan Price stephanprice@mac.com Yo u may live on any residential street in Salem, but our situation may be familiar. I live on the south end of Fisher Road, but Hollywood has a similar problem. The north end of Fisher has a speed of 40mph with no homes. The middle has a speed of 25mph and the pavement is 50 feet wide with few sidewalks and many pedestrians. South of Silverton Road on Fisher has a speed of 25mph and the pavement is as low as 22 feet wide that is mostly without shoulders or sidewalks, but has pets, children, seasoned citizens, bicyclists, and wheelchair enabled pedestrian