WARD 6 COUNCILOR: Chris Hoy CHoy@cityofsalem.net 503-339-7806 TRAFFIC ENG.:K.Hottmann Khottmann@cityofsalem.net 503-588-6211 CITIZENS' ADVISORY TRAFFIC COMMISSION: Denise VanDyke dmvdhome@yahoo.com Eileen Virden roevir@msn.com John Ledger jledger@comcast.net Lowell Wetzel lowell.wetzel@gmail.com Mi les Adams milestone42@comcast.net Stephan Price stephanprice@mac.com Yo u may live on any residential street in Salem, but our situation may be familiar. I live on the south end of Fisher Road, but Hollywood has a similar problem. The north end of Fisher has a speed of 40mph with no homes. The middle has a speed of 25mph and the pavement is 50 feet wide with few sidewalks and many pedestrians. South of Silverton Road on Fisher has a speed of 25mph and the pavement is as low as 22 feet wide that is mo...